Friday, March 18, 2005

Hey! I'm Sorry I'm A Freak, It Just Gets Hard To Speak When No One Ever Listens To You Anyway

They say I've lost it. What "it" is, they haven't really told me. My mind, perhaps? Apparently, a mind is a terrible thing to lose, but don't you worry about that. I know perfectly well where my mind is and it's none of your goddamn business. And so, I've "lost it." Everyone's entitled to their opinion, after all. Well you, your opinion, and the horse you rode in on can burn in hell. That's my opinion.

Well now, this should be fun, although I doubt anyone will notice right off the bat. I don't care. There's fun in anonymity; fun in creating another pollutant to add to the wasteland known as the blogosphere in these here internets. So while you're here, rock and roll. Stay a while. If you're reading this, you've got the time.


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