They Can Marry, Big Friggin' Deal
Know what I hate? When people accuse me of being intolerant of their beliefs when I can't tolerate their intolerance. A belief is a belief, and everyone has the right to have them. Imposing your beliefs on others who want no part of them, well that's another story. Am I being hypocritical? Well, think of it this way. When same-sex marriage is legalized, it won't force straight couples to go gay. I don't see how I'm possibly being hypocritical on this issue.
I fail to see how opposing the rights of others to marry due to their sexual
orientation because of religious belief is anything but bigotry. I am all for
the rights of others to believe whatever they wish. What I am against is when
those beliefs deny others equal rights. Canada, like it or not – believe it or
not, is a secular nation, no matter the antiquated language used referencing the
Christian God in the national anthem or anywhere else. White, Christian dogma is
prevalent in Canadian political culture, but that doesn’t imply that non-Whites,
non-Christians, and gay people shouldn’t be guaranteed equal rights under the
law, does it? If addressing the issue of sexuality has taken this long then so
be it. It’s unfortunate that it has, but it's no different, and no less
important, than the confronting of racial or religious inequalities in the past.
Damn straight, Mr. Good.
Canada legalized same-sex marriage. Well, technically the bill has to go through the Liberal-dominated Senate before it becomes law. I don't see what all the fuss is about. This is a right that should've been given from the start. It doesn't affect me at all, not does it affect anyone who was fighting to kill it. Is your wife going to leave you because the guy down the street marries someone of the same sex? What moral fibre is ripping? If anything, the moral fibres are strengthening. Hell, the people who champion "traditional morals" have been throwing them away for power, and just using it as a means to their fucking existence. "Traditional moralists" are theocratic fascists, as far as I'm concerned. It's like abortion. When that was being debated you'd think as soon as it was legalized doctors were going to be shooting five year old children in the streets with canons the way the Christian right carried on. When it did not destroy the moral fabric of Canada everyone just carried on happy to have gotten it out of the way. It could be that this bill indirectly leads more gay people to shun promiscuity and find lifelong partners. If that happens, then this bill may even have an indirect impact on the spread of STD's and that benefits EVERYONE.
Why are people being discriminated against for something they can't control? Homosexuality is natural, people. When did you choose your sexual orientation? It's not like one day I stepped out into the sunshine and said to myself, I says, "Derek, you're gonna like girls." You can have homosexual bees to homosexual bears. If marriage is ONLY to create a family, then should we forbid 50+ years old women to marry? Should we all have to go through fertility tests before we get married? If someone is infertile, then that person should not have the right to get married because he/she cannot procreate?
The religion argument just doesn't fly with me. See here for more. Strange, how a god that is supposed to be love can deny it from some people. Personally, I think that the Bible and other religious texts shouldn't be taken as the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you God/Buddha/Allah/Vishnu/Osiris/etc. Much of what it has to say is more metaphor and poetry, an editorial of the times if you will. Many are also extremely contradicting, which does raise questions. Jesus came to include us all - all He asks in return is to be loved. It's no more complicated than that. THAT is the point of Christianity, not spewing chapter&verse hatred towards "outsiders".
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